Friday, June 13, 2008

Exploring The Rainbow With Tina Holdman

Tina Holdman's Collection #3- "When The Dark Comes In"

During the Dayle Doroshow polymer workshop in Colorado Springs in April, participant Barb Harper brought in a new spiral bound book she compiled of Tina Holdman's polymer color recipes, reprinted from the Mile High Polymer Clay Guild newsletter from 2004-2008. I bought one and have been having fun mixing up samples of the color collections. Here is one of the sixteen recipe pages in the book. I made little square samples and glued them right on the page.

Tina has an interesting and inspiring story with each color collection. She also has a great sense of humor and is fun to be around....I just wish Tina and some of the others in the Denver and Colorado Springs Polymer Clay Guilds had their own web pages! I can't find much of their work online.

Cutting out squares for color mixing

For those who haven't done color recipes, the measuring is easy. I roll the clay to a #1 thickness and use a clay cutter to cut out squares. The squares are then all the same amount of clay. Each square represents four parts, so it's easy to cut the square and follow the recipes for "parts".

I then mix the parts together to get the new color and cut a new square for the sample tile.

Thanks, Tina and Barb, for sharing your knowledge and creating this book!


MileHighPCG said...

Thank you, Caren, for sharing your positive experiences with our Color Book!
Your blog is great -- and your work beautiful.
We look forward to having you in Denver for Tory's October workshop!

Caren said...

Sue, I absolutely cannot wait until the Tory Hughes workshop! I'm anxious to get the supply list, too, so I can be reaaally ready.
