Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Julie Picarello Mokume Gane Workshop

Julie Picarello describing her mokume gane technique

I recently attended a Julie Picarello mokume gane workshop in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It was part of a ten day road trip so I am just getting home and posting some photos. I enjoyed taking Julie's workshop and highly recommend it even if you have already done mokume gane, it's always informative to learn from someone who specializes in a particular technique. Julie is nice and fun to be around, as are all the members of the Pikes Peak Polymer Clay Guild.

My own mokume gane slices made during the workshop.

Mokume gane beads/pendants made by workshop participants on the first day of the workshop. There are some stunningly good polymer artists with great color sense at this clay guild!


  1. oh what a great workshop....sure love her work!

  2. Hi!I am not from the US and I can't attend to one of her courses.Do you know where I could see some teachings of her mokume gane style? thanks.

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